Boy Gets on the Bus but When the Bus Driver Looks at His Feet, He Calls the Police

Source: Youtube

Riding the bus is an everyday occurrence for many people, from working business people to children going to school. Sometimes suspicious passengers come on board, but usually, it’s just another day on the bus.

But that doesn’t mean something can’t go wrong. Margaret had seen it all since she has been a bus driver for ten years. But nothing could prepare her for this extraordinary day when she drove her usual route along a quiet road when out of nowhere, this kid passed by. 

Source: Nova

Meet Margaret

Margaret has seen everything working on the bus line for ten years. From drunkards to street performers. She has seen just about every rude passenger and has kicked her fair share of passengers off of the bus, but this was a different morning. She’d never had a passenger quite like this before...

Source: Igor Zvencom

A strange sighting

Today, she made her usual rounds. It was early in the morning, and she was rolling through town just like she would any other day when she noticed something strange. Someone is waiting for her at the bus stop. That sounds pretty normal, right, except for the fact that it’s a little boy...

Source: Beate Wolter

A young boy 

She pulls up to the bus stop as she normally did every day on the route. Opening the doors, she could see the little boy a little clearer than before. He was young and looked very scared. Margaret knew something was off by the way he clung to the pole and said nothing. Turning to face him, she asked him an important question...

Rob Hainer/
Source: Rob Hainer

A simple question 

It was clear the young boy had been crying. The Veteran bus driver knew she needed to help him, so she spoke softly,

Source: Purino

An important detail

Then Margaret notices something else strange about this boy. He wasn’t wearing any shoes. Despite it being summer, it was still a chilly morning, and there’s no good reason a little boy waiting at the bus stop shouldn’t be wearing shoes. Margaret waited anxiously to hear the little boy’s story and noticed a very remarkable detail...

Ann in the uk/
Source: Ann in the uk

The little boy is wary

The little boy seemed hesitant at first, and Margaret could tell the story he was about to tell her would likely be an interesting one. Maybe even something that could get him into trouble. Margaret made sure to let him know that he was safe with her. The little boy sighed; he was ready to share.

Source: Coatesy

A rabbit chase

He explained to her that he’d been playing in his front yard very early that morning when he’d spotted a rabbit. Soon enough, he was chasing after the rabbit through the woods. However, after a while, the rabbit disappeared. He decided to head back home and came out of the woods when he realized he was lost.

Family Way Studio/
Source: Family Way Studio

A brave call

He decided he would make the walk home. Unfortunately for the little boy, he was both confused and scared. That was when he saw the bus stop. The little boy figured that he should wait at the bus stop. Eventually, a bus would come, and he could be picked up and find his way back home.